Environmental toxins

Clean Sweep: £499

This package is a full turnkey property survey to assess and measure levels of over 30 known manmade environmental toxins that are ubiquitous in our homes. We will provide state-of-the-art measuring, assessment and remediation protocols. Our qualified professionals use cutting-edge testing equipment to assess exposures over a 24-hour timeframe based on three key areas of exposure.

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The Clean Sweep includes the following tests for environmental toxins


A person filling up a glass from a tap




8-parameter on-site test and follow up with certified laboratory.

Our 8-parameter test is designed to detect these contaminants, offering solutions to mitigate the risks and reduce your exposure. Your drinking water could well contain various toxins like PFAS, Fluoride, pesticides, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, PAH and heavy metals.

Our Water Service


A plant on a window ledge


Air quality

24-hour real-time analysis using a complex algorithm for 14 key signals.

Our home air quality tests analyse the levels of different pollutants present indoors often 5x worse than outdoors. Specific ultra-fine pollutants can enter the bloodstream through the lungs, posing diverse health risks. Detecting these pollutants within the home environment is crucial, allowing us to implement measures to minimise or eradicate them effectively.

Our Air Quality Service


A person sleeping in their bed

EMF electromagnetic fields (EMF) /  Sleep sanctuary test

Our residential EMR survey is specifically designed in combination with the scientifically supported conditions to promote optimal sleep! Using 12 independent markers to assess these conditions and all the necessary remediation protocols.

Recent studies have highlighted the adverse effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on living organisms, even at levels below established guidelines. These effects range from subtle negative overall impact to our well-being like headaches to ultimately heightened cancer risks and neurological disorders. Our comprehensive EMR tests, including a 5-part cross spectrum hot spot analysis in sensitive areas, are accompanied by remediation plans to address elevated EMR levels.

Our EMR/EMF Service


A model home on a desk




Following up from the results of these tests, we create a solution-orientated bespoke report for your property based around domestic Legal limits, global guidelines and then cross referenced with current scientific peer reviewed material to create a proprietary risk framework. All our recommendations are selected based on efficacy, quality and ultimately performance.






A new progressive approach to safeguarding our health indoors.

We look at all the potential mechanism and methods of removing these environmental toxins from your home with our strategies and in depth understanding of the hazards and their implications. We then select the best available remediation available in the market to reduce and remove areas of concern to levels as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).

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A person with a headache


Sick Building Syndrome

Sometimes a particular building can make the people in it ill. Symptoms such as migraines, nose and throat irritations, fatigue, dizziness and eye problems among office staff in particular led the WHO to study this in relation to the combination of poor indoor air quality and stress.

Don't underestimate the potential compounding influence these environmental stressors can have on our general health if left unchecked. We have expertise in recognising, testing and measuring the causes of SBS, enabling businesses to promote staff health and avoid litigation.



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Helping you to live with peace of mind without compromising your lifestyle

We aim to remove any risk and uncertainty without compromising access to necessary technology. Remove the risks without compromising the rewards. Contact us today for a full test for environmental toxins.

Call  07786 886360 for a free initial chat about how we can help.

Or send an enquiry here